Workflow tips

Understand how to perform cross-browser testing, set up notifications, use the Default First Step feature, and integrate DogQ into your pipeline with API tokens.

Clicking on Gear Wheel ⚙️ next to the name of your Project, Modules or Scenario, you can configure additional features to optimize your workflow.

Cross-browser settings can also be adjusted via Schedule in dropdown menu on Projects, Modules, Scenarios pages.

Cross-browser testing

With DogQ Cross-browser testing feature you can run tests in multiple browsers simultaneously. Here's what it looks like inside Project Settings:

Right now only 2 browsers are available, the rest are in our roadmap.

These settings can be adjusted at every level and are inherited in a downstream manner, i.e. custom settings of a Module will be inheritead by Scenarios inside it, regardless of what Project settings are.

When you execute or schedule a Scenario, a separate test run is created for each browser you have selected. In this example we have Test A with only Chrome and Test B with both browsers selected, take a look at the test runs. Each one has a browser icon next to its name to indicate what environment it was run in, allowing you to easily navigate the records.

Scheduling settings

When scheduling tests you can specify browsers that will be used for that particular scheduling session, regardless of the Project-level settings.


Notifications can be configured in the Project settings. DogQ uses the Email of your account to send reports. Team Admins can also connect a Slack channel for DogQ to send notifications.

Please note that notifications only work for Scheduled and External executions and while Email notifications are user-specific and can be set by Team Members individually, Slack notifications settings affect the whole Team.

Notifications options:

  • "Never" - if you don't need any notifications

  • "About any completed Test Runs" - you will receive a report that includes all scheduled and external test executions in a project, both successful and failed.

  • "About failed Test Runs" - the report you receive will again include both successful and failed runs, yet you will only get it if there are any failed executions in a project.

Check out the following article to learn how to Connect Slack.

Default First Step

With Default First Step feature you can jump-start the creation of your tests. DogQ will automatically add the first step of your choice to every new Test Scenario in the Project.

Since most of the time when you’re testing something on a site, you first need to log in, this tool really shines with a Log In Macro. Create a Macro of logging into the site you’re testing, set it as the First Default Step in Project Settings and every test you create in this project will already have the logging in part covered so you can start building the test itself without worrying about this routine precondition.

Browser extensions support

DogQ allows you to upload browser extensions you would like to test or in case it is required by the testing conditions. In the Extensions tab of Project Settings you can provide browser extensions in a form of CRX files, that will be installed before every test run.

Sequential Module Execution

By default when you execute an entire Module all tests in it are run more or less simultaneously. Yet there are cases when you want them to be executed in a certain order.

For example, preconditioned tests. Say, you’re testing an e-store and you need to check that clicking on a trash bin icon next to an item in a cart removes the item from the cart. So, before testing that you need the item to actually get into the cart.

You can create two separate tests, one of adding an item to the cart and of removing it.

Naming them with prefixes like "01", "02" will place them in a numerical order.

Then in the Module Settings you can turn on the Sequential Module Execution and all tests in the Module will be executed exactly in order they are in.

Exporting Projects as PDF

You can create a PDF out of an entire Project with all the tests inside it. Exporting your projects as PDFs can be useful for boosting collaboration and communication in your team as PDF files are very portable, easy-to-share lists of tests that can be viewed by anyone you send them to.

To use this:

  • or via the actions dropdown menu

In DogQ you can quickly find and navigate to any Project, Module or Scenario instantly by searching for its name, description, or step value. The search field can be accesed from anywhere - it's in the top-left corner of the work area, right next to the sidebar logo.

To locate the test or Project/Module you're seeking, you can search by:

  • Scenario/Module/Project name

  • Scenario description

  • Step description

  • Step value

This feature becomes especially handy once your list of tests has grown to a certain extent or you simply prefer to navigate your suite using test names and/or descriptions.

As you type into the search field, an autocomplete dropdown will appear with Scenarios, Modules and Projects that match your input.

Last updated