Get started

This guide is designed for newcomers to DogQ who want to get started with the no-code testing platform. Learn how to create and execute your first test.

Create your first Project

You can visit our Registration page to sign up and invite your teammates later. Having signed up, you can create your first Project.

By clicking on the "New Project" button, you will be forwarded to the Project creation page. But only the "Name" field is mandatory, so let’s skip all other fields for now.

Project is the central entity of DogQ. You can create all application Modules and Scenarios in the Project and later monitor them with the Test Runs. We will talk about these terms next.

Create your first Module

DogQ Modules may represent the actual modules of your app. They will contain the scenarios that you can execute individually or schedule in batches and then monitor the results in real-time.

Let's add the first Module. In this case we will be testing our app, so our first Module will be called "Authorization". After creating the Module you will be redirected right into it, then you can start writing your first Scenario.

Create your first Scenario

The Scenario is an actual Test Case within the DogQ. It contains a set of automated steps defined by you and is a part of your application modules. Scenarios can be scheduled in groups or executed on an individual basis.

After creating the "Authorization" Module previously, you can click on the "New Scenario" button. You will need to specify the Scenario name, and then you will be redirected to your newly created Scenario.

If you make a step back, you'll see the page with all Scenarios in the specific Module ("Authorization" in this case). On this page you can check the latest status of your Scenario (Status), see the number of Steps within the specific Scenario (Steps), and the overall number of this scenario executions within DogQ (Runs).

At the "Log In" Scenario page let's add the first step now - you can do this by clicking on the "Add Step" button.

You can view different step types used within the Scenario by opening "Select Type". A full description of the available test steps is here.

For our first Scenario, let's open the DogQ home page, click on the "Get Started" button and validate that after doing so we're navigated to the registration form. As with all tests, the first thing we need to do is add Go to URL step and enter the address (

Now let's simulate a click on the "Get Started" button. For that we need to add a Click element step and provide a Locator (find more info on different locators here). In this case let's simply use the button label ("Get Started").

And finally we want to confirm that clicking on the "Get Started" button prompts us to the Sign Up form at a specific URL. Let's add an assertion and enter the URL we expect to be at.

Execute your first Scenario

You can find the current execution status inside the Test Runs block in the top-right corner of the Test Editor or on the dedicated Test Runs page that you can access from the Sidebar.

Depending on the execution progress, Scenarios obtain one of the following statuses:

You can always check the execution details by clicking on the Scenario name within the Test Runs block, or on the Test Runs page.

Last updated