
Set up continuous execution of your tests at specific time intervals to ensure the integrity of your flows. Schedule single tests, all tests in a module, or even all tests within a project.

In some cases you might want to continuously execute your tests at specific time intervals (e.g., run your regression tests every night to get the morning result) to ensure that new changes did not break the existing flows.

DogQ got you covered. You can schedule single tests, all tests in a module, or even all tests within a project. There are two ways to access scheduling settings:

  • you can set up repeatable runs of individual entities via the Actions menu on the far right side of that entity (Project, Module, Scenario).

Configuring a Scheduling session

Once you have clicked Schedule, you'll see the following modal window:

Setting the frequency of scheduled executions

You can select one of the following period types:

  • Minute(s)

  • Hour(s)

  • Day(s)

  • Month(s)

For example, if you want to run your tests once an hour, you can either type in "1" and select "Hour(s)" or type "60" and select "Minute(s)" and confirm the schedule - both will produce the same result.

Setting the start date and time for scheduling sessions

In some cases you might want your test to be run not immediately, but rather at a planned date and time. You can do exactly that by using a date and time picker or manually entering the values.

Monitoring your scheduled tests

All your scheduled Scenarios can be monitored on the Schedules page.

All the automatically triggered scenario executions will be available on the Test Runs page and have a Schedule status in the "Created by" column.

Last updated